Infographic-Around the world in 16 beers
Among thousands of topics and ideas, I chose to do my project on Beer.
The reason I chose this topic is because I have seen my fellow friends and
classmates looking for more broader subjects that has too many things
to research about. I wanted to do my project on a subject and people are
interested in, but do not know much of it or its background.
Almost everyone drinks beer. But not all of us actually know a lot about
it. I came to U.S. and started having beers that are light, or more common
around here. But I always thought about trying different beers from different
countries. I am not a big fan of a beer. But I found it pretty interesting to
research on and learn more about it.
This idea actually hit on people’s mind. Almost everyone found it
interesting, and something they want to know more about. Our young
generation might not be so fascinated about drinking beers, but people from
age 30-60, are very much into beers. So it is a good way to learn about it.
I wanted to show some iconic beers from around the world. So I named it
“Around the world in 16 beers”.
Almost everyone drinks beer. But most of them don’t know how it came. Some people
wants to try different types of beer (imported) from all around the world. But don’t
know which beer is from what countries. Also people think because it is alcohol it is
bad for health.
- To teach people the history of beer
- Countries that produce their own iconic beers
- Different types of iconic beer to try from 16 counrties
- Types of beer style with colors
- To let people know about the Health Benefits
- Preference of type of alcohol for drinkers
- Let people know what food goes with what beer- Food pairings.
- Some fun facts of beer.